
Uncover The Mystery: Why Is My Cube Steak Always Tough?

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why your cube steak might be tough, and offer some tips on how to cook it so it’s tender and juicy.
  • Cube steak, sometimes labeled “minute steak” or “beef for stew” is a cut of beef that has been tenderized and flattened by pounding with a meat tenderizer, or run through a machine that uses needles to pierce and flatten the meat.
  • The best way to cook cube steak is to pan-fry it or cook it in a slow cooker.

Are you tired of chewing through a tough, chewy piece of cube steak? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find that their cube steak is tough and chewy, and it can be difficult to enjoy. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why your cube steak might be tough, and offer some tips on how to cook it so it’s tender and juicy. Whether you’re a beginner in the kitchen or an experienced cook, read on for tips on how to make the best cube steak every time.

Why Is My Cube Steak Always Tough?

Why is my cube steak always tough?

Cube steak, sometimes labeled “minute steak” or “beef for stew” is a cut of beef that has been tenderized and flattened by pounding with a meat tenderizer, or run through a machine that uses needles to pierce and flatten the meat.

The result is often a steak that can be tough and chewy, rather than tender and juicy.

There are a few reasons why your cube steak might be tough.

1. The cut of meat.

The cut of meat used to make cube steak is typically top round or top sirloin. These cuts of beef are naturally lean, which means that they don’t have as much fat or connective tissue as other cuts of beef.

The lack of fat and connective tissue can make these cuts of beef tougher, as there is less fat to melt during cooking and tenderize the meat.

2. The cooking method.

The way you cook your cube steak can also affect its tenderness. If you cook the steak over high heat, or for too long, the muscle fibers can tighten up and become tough.

The best way to cook cube steak is to pan-fry it or cook it in a slow cooker. These methods will help to keep the meat moist and tender.

3. The tenderizing process.

Cube steak is often tenderized by pounding it with a meat tenderizer or by running it through a tenderizing machine.

However, if the meat is not tenderized correctly, or if the tenderizing process is not done properly, the meat can still be tough.

To tenderize cube steak, you should pound it evenly on all sides with a meat tenderizer or run it through a tenderizing machine.

4. The aging process.

The aging process can also affect the quality of cube steak. If the meat is not aged properly, it can be tough and chewy.

To age meat, it should be hung in a temperature-controlled environment for at least 14 days. This will help to break down the muscle fibers and tenderize the meat.

What Is The Best Way To Prepare Cube Steak So That It Is Tender?

  • 1. Pound the steak with a meat mallet to tenderize it.
  • 2. Marinate the steak in a mixture of oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper for at least 30 minutes.
  • 3. Cook the steak in a hot skillet or grill pan for a few minutes on each side.
  • 4. Let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing it thinly against the grain.
  • 5. Serve the steak with mashed potatoes and gravy for a classic comfort food meal.

Why Does My Cube Steak Turn Out Tough Sometimes, But Other Times It Is Tender?

Cube steak, also known as cubed steak, is a type of beef that has been tenderized through a process called “cubing.” This involves pounding or slicing the beef into smaller pieces, which helps to break down the tough muscle fibers. However, sometimes cube steak can turn out tough, even when it has been properly prepared.

There are a few reasons why your cube steak might turn out tough sometimes:

1. The beef itself: Not all beef is created equal. Some cuts of beef are naturally more tender than others. For example, ribeye and tenderloin are two cuts that are naturally tender, while chuck steak and round steak are more tough.

2. The cooking method: The way you cook your cube steak can also affect its tenderness. Overcooking can lead to tough, dry meat, while undercooking can make it chewy. It’s important to cook your cube steak to just the right level of doneness, which is typically medium rare to medium.

3. The marinade: Marinating your cube steak before cooking can help to tenderize it. A good marinade should contain an acid, such as vinegar or lemon juice, which helps to break down the tough muscle fibers.

4. The resting time: After cooking your cube steak, it’s important to let it rest for a few minutes before cutting into it. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, making it more tender and juicy.

Overall, the secret to tender cube steak is to use the right cut of beef, cook it to the right level of doneness, marinate it, and let it rest before cutting into it. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cube steak is always tender and delicious.

What Are Some Common Mistakes People Make When Cooking Cube Steak?

There are several common mistakes people make when cooking cube steak. First, many people do not season their steak properly. It is important to season the steak with salt and pepper before cooking. This will help to add flavor to the steak.

Another common mistake is not cooking the steak long enough. Cube steak is a tougher cut of meat, so it needs to be cooked for a longer period of time. Some people make the mistake of cooking the steak for only a few minutes, which results in a tough and chewy steak.

Finally, many people make the mistake of cooking the steak on too high of a heat. This can cause the steak to burn on the outside before it is cooked through on the inside. It is important to cook the steak on a lower heat for a longer period of time. This will help to ensure that the steak is cooked evenly and that it is tender and juicy.

Are There Any Specific Cuts Of Beef That Are Better For Cube Steak?

Cube steak is a type of beef that has been tenderized and flattened, resulting in a dense and flavorful cut of meat. It is often used for dishes such as beef stroganoff or fried steak. When it comes to choosing cube steak, there are a few different cuts of beef that are commonly used.

One popular cut for cube steak is top round steak. This cut comes from the cow’s hindquarters and is known for its mild flavor and tender texture. Top round steak is easy to cube and tends to be budget-friendly, making it a popular choice for cube steak.

Another cut that works well for cube steak is sirloin steak. Sirloin steak comes from the cow’s midsection and is known for its rich flavor and tenderness. It can be a bit more expensive than top round steak, but it is a high-quality cut of beef that is perfect for special occasions or when you want to impress your guests.

No matter which cut of beef you choose for cube steak, it is important to choose a cut that is well-marbled and has plenty of fat. This will help to keep the meat moist and flavorful during the cooking process. Additionally, it is important to take the time to properly tenderize the meat before cooking it, as this will ensure that it is soft and juicy when served.

Are There Any Tips And Tricks To Making Cube Steak More Flavorful?

Absolutely! Here are a few tips and tricks for making cube steak more flavorful:

1. Marinate it: Cube steak can tend to be a bit tough and dry, so marinating it can help to infuse it with flavor and moisture. You can use a variety of marinades, such as Italian, Asian, or Cajun, or you can make your own.

2. Cook it fast: Cube steak is best cooked quickly over high heat. This helps to keep it tender and juicy. You can cook it in a pan, on a grill, or even in the microwave.

3. Add sauce: Adding sauce to your cube steak can help to make it more flavorful. You can try different sauces, such as mushroom gravy, brown gravy, or tomato sauce.

4. Spice it up: Cube steak can be bland, so adding spices can help to make it more flavorful. You can try different spices, such as garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, or chili powder.

5. Add vegetables: Adding vegetables to your cube steak can help to make it more nutritious and flavorful. You can try different vegetables, such as onions, bell peppers, or mushrooms.

Overall, the key to making cube steak more flavorful is to use a variety of techniques and ingredients to add flavor, moisture, and nutrients.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, there are several reasons why your cube steak might be turning out tough. If you’re not trimming the fat, you can be left with an overly chewy piece of meat. It’s also important not to overcrowd the pan, as this can cause the steaks to steam instead of sear, leading to a tough final product. Finally, be careful not to overcook the steaks, as this will also cause them to be tough. By following these tips, you’ll be able to cook up a perfect, tender cube steak every time.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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