
Why Is Chicken Soup Called ‘jewish Penicillin’? Here’s The Answer!

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • Overall, chicken soup is thought to be a good remedy for colds and flus because it contains ingredients that are thought to have medicinal properties, and because it is easy for the body to digest.
  • While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that chicken soup can cure a cold, there are several reasons why it may be beneficial.
  • The broth in the soup contains electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, which can be lost through sweating or vomiting caused by a cold.

Chicken soup has long been considered a magical cure for the common cold and other ailments. But have you ever wondered why it’s called “Jewish penicillin”? As it turns out, this nickname is more than just a cute phrase. It has its roots in the Jewish culinary tradition and has been passed down through generations. In this blog post, we’ll explore the origins of chicken soup and why it’s considered the ultimate comfort food in Jewish households. Get ready to discover the rich history behind this beloved dish!

Why Is Chicken Noodle Soup Called Jewish Penicillin?

Jewish penicillin is the phrase used to describe chicken noodle soup. It’s often given to people when they are sick. The soup is called Jewish penicillin because Jewish people have been known for making soup with chicken, carrots, celery, onions, and noodles for their family when they were sick. The soup was thought to have healing powers and to help the sick person feel better. It’s also called Jewish penicillin because it’s a comfort food and something that Jewish people associate with being sick.

How Did Chicken Soup Become Associated With Healing?

  • 1. Historical evidence suggests chicken soup has been used to treat illness dating back to the 12th century.
  • 2. The nutrients in chicken soup, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, may help to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.
  • 3. The steam from hot chicken soup may help to clear nasal congestion and soothe sore throats.
  • 4. The warmth and comfort of chicken soup may be psychologically soothing and may help to improve mood.
  • 5. The placebo effect may also be at play, as the belief that chicken soup is healing may contribute to its perceived effectiveness.

Why Has Chicken Soup Been A Traditional Remedy For Colds And Flus?

Chicken soup has been a traditional remedy for colds and flus for centuries. It is thought to have originated in China, where it has been used to treat respiratory problems for centuries. The soup contains a variety of ingredients that are thought to have medicinal properties, including:

* Chicken: Chicken is a good source of protein and vitamins, including vitamin B6, which is important for the immune system.

* Onions and garlic: These vegetables contain compounds that are thought to have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

* Carrots: Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the immune system.

* Celery: Celery contains compounds that are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties.

* Thyme: Thyme contains compounds that are thought to have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

In addition to these ingredients, chicken soup also contains important minerals such as sodium and potassium, which can help to rehydrate the body.

Overall, chicken soup is thought to be a good remedy for colds and flus because it contains ingredients that are thought to have medicinal properties, and because it is easy for the body to digest.

Is Chicken Soup Really Good For A Cold?

Chicken soup has long been touted as a remedy for the common cold, but is there any truth to this popular belief?

While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that chicken soup can cure a cold, there are several reasons why it may be beneficial. The steam from a hot bowl of soup can help clear congestion and soothe sore throats. The warm liquid can also help thin mucus and make it easier to cough up.

The vitamins and minerals in chicken soup may also play a role in its supposed benefits. Chicken is a good source of protein, which helps support the immune system. The broth in the soup contains electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, which can be lost through sweating or vomiting caused by a cold.

While chicken soup may not cure a cold, it can certainly make you feel better when you’re feeling under the weather. It’s a warm, comforting meal that can help hydrate and nourish you when you’re feeling sick. So, go ahead and enjoy a bowl of chicken soup when you’re feeling under the weather – it probably won’t hurt, and it might just help!

Are There Any Scientific Explanations For Chicken Soup’s Healing Properties?

Chicken soup has long been hailed as a folk remedy for colds and flu, and many people swear that it helps alleviate symptoms. While there are no scientific studies that prove chicken soup can cure a cold, there are several scientific explanations for why it may help.

First, chicken soup contains ingredients that are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. The broth contains collagen, a protein that helps reduce inflammation, and the chicken contains amino acids that can help reduce inflammation as well.

Second, chicken soup contains electrolytes, which can help replace those lost through sweating and diarrhea, a common symptom of a cold or flu.

Third, chicken soup can help increase mucus production, which can help clear congestion and soothe a sore throat.

Finally, chicken soup can help boost the immune system by providing the body with vitamins and minerals, such as zinc and selenium, that are important for immune system function.

While chicken soup may not be a cure-all for the common cold, it can provide comfort and relief from symptoms. And it tastes good, too!

Are There Any Risks Associated With Chicken Soup?

Chicken soup is a delicious and comforting dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. While it is considered a healthy meal, there are some risks associated with consuming chicken soup.

One of the main risks associated with chicken soup is the risk of food poisoning. Chicken soup can contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter, which can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. It is important to cook chicken soup thoroughly and to store it in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Another risk associated with chicken soup is the risk of allergic reaction. People who are allergic to chicken or other ingredients in the soup may experience symptoms such as hives, itching, and difficulty breathing. It is important to be aware of any food allergies and to avoid consuming chicken soup if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Finally, chicken soup may contain high levels of sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. It is important to consume chicken soup in moderation and to choose low-sodium versions whenever possible.

Overall, while chicken soup is generally considered a healthy meal, it is important to be aware of the risks and to consume it in moderation.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the answer to the question of why chicken noodle soup is referred to as Jewish penicillin is not completely clear. While it may have originated from the beliefs and practices of Jewish immigrants, it is a widely held belief that the soup has medicinal properties that can help improve one’s health. Whatever the reason, it is clear that chicken noodle soup has become a cultural icon, and a dish that is enjoyed by people of all backgrounds.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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