
The Ultimate Kitchen Showdown: Toaster Oven Vs. Broiler – Which One Reigns Supreme?

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • If you are looking for a versatile appliance that can be used for a variety of cooking tasks, a toaster oven is a good choice.
  • If you are looking for an appliance that can cook food quickly and evenly, a broiler is a better option.
  • If you are looking for an appliance that combines the best features of both toaster ovens and broilers, you may want to consider a countertop convection oven.

When it comes to small kitchen appliances, toaster ovens and broilers are often seen as interchangeable. However, there are some key differences between these two appliances that can make one a better choice for you than the other. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at toaster ovens and broilers, comparing their features, benefits, and drawbacks to help you decide which one is right for your kitchen.

Understanding Toaster Ovens

Toaster ovens are compact countertop appliances that combine the functions of a toaster and a small oven. They are typically used for toasting bread, bagels, and other small food items, but they can also be used for baking, roasting, and reheating food. Toaster ovens typically have a heating element at the top and a baking pan at the bottom. Some models also have a convection fan that helps to circulate hot air, resulting in more evenly cooked food.

Advantages of Toaster Ovens:

  • Compact Size: Toaster ovens are relatively small and lightweight, making them ideal for small kitchens or apartments.
  • Versatile: Toaster ovens can be used for a variety of cooking tasks, including toasting, baking, roasting, and reheating.
  • Convenient: Toaster ovens are easy to use and clean, making them a convenient option for busy cooks.
  • Energy-Efficient: Toaster ovens are more energy-efficient than traditional ovens, making them a good choice for eco-conscious consumers.

Disadvantages of Toaster Ovens:

  • Limited Capacity: Toaster ovens have a smaller capacity than traditional ovens, so they are not suitable for cooking large meals.
  • Lower Cooking Power: Toaster ovens typically have a lower cooking power than traditional ovens, so they may not be able to cook food as quickly.
  • Less Even Cooking: Toaster ovens may not cook food as evenly as traditional ovens, especially if they do not have a convection fan.

Understanding Broilers

Broilers are small countertop appliances that use direct heat to cook food. They typically have a heating element at the top and a grilling rack at the bottom. Broilers are primarily used for grilling meat, fish, and vegetables, but they can also be used for toasting bread and bagels.

Advantages of Broilers:

  • High Cooking Power: Broilers have a higher cooking power than toaster ovens, so they can cook food more quickly and evenly.
  • More Even Cooking: Broilers cook food more evenly than toaster ovens, thanks to the direct heat from the heating element.
  • Versatile: Broilers can be used for a variety of cooking tasks, including grilling, roasting, and toasting.
  • Compact Size: Broilers are relatively small and lightweight, making them ideal for small kitchens or apartments.

Disadvantages of Broilers:

  • Limited Functionality: Broilers are not as versatile as toaster ovens, as they cannot be used for baking or reheating food.
  • Can Be Messy: Broilers can be messy to use, as grease and smoke can splatter during cooking.
  • Safety Concerns: Broilers can be dangerous to use if they are not properly ventilated, as they can produce carbon monoxide.

Which One Is Right for You?

The best appliance for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a versatile appliance that can be used for a variety of cooking tasks, a toaster oven is a good choice. If you are looking for an appliance that can cook food quickly and evenly, a broiler is a better option.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between a Toaster Oven and a Broiler:

  • Cooking Needs: Consider the types of food you cook most often and choose an appliance that is best suited for those tasks.
  • Counter Space: Measure the available counter space in your kitchen to make sure the appliance you choose will fit comfortably.
  • Budget: Toaster ovens are typically more affordable than broilers, so consider your budget when making a decision.
  • Safety: Broilers can be dangerous if they are not properly ventilated, so make sure you have adequate ventilation in your kitchen before using one.

Alternatives to Toaster Ovens and Broilers

If you are looking for an appliance that combines the best features of both toaster ovens and broilers, you may want to consider a countertop convection oven. Convection ovens use a fan to circulate hot air, resulting in more evenly cooked food. They are also more versatile than toaster ovens and broilers, as they can be used for a wider variety of cooking tasks.

The Bottom Line: Choosing the Right Appliance for Your Kitchen

Ultimately, the best way to choose between a toaster oven and a broiler is to consider your individual needs and preferences. By weighing the pros and cons of each appliance, you can make an informed decision that will help you get the most out of your kitchen.

1. Can I use a toaster oven to cook a whole chicken?

No, toaster ovens typically do not have the capacity to cook a whole chicken.

2. Can I use a broiler to bake a cake?

No, broilers are not designed for baking and cannot provide the even heat required for baking a cake.

3. Which appliance is better for reheating food?

Toaster ovens are generally better for reheating food than broilers, as they provide more even heating and are less likely to dry out food.

4. Which appliance is better for grilling meat?

Broilers are better for grilling meat than toaster ovens, as they provide more direct heat and can create a nice char on the meat.

5. Which appliance is easier to clean?

Toaster ovens are generally easier to clean than broilers, as they have fewer nooks and crannies where grease and food particles can accumulate.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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