
Warning: This Popular Pork Product Smells Like Urine – Find Out Why!

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • Another way is to soak the pork in water or milk before cooking, as this can help to remove the VSCs from the meat.
  • If you cook the pork properly and use herbs or spices to mask the smell, you should be able to enjoy pork without a strong urine-like smell.
  • The level of this odor can vary depending on factors such as the age of the pork, the breed of the pig, and the method of cooking.

Pork is a delicious and versatile meat, but some people find it smells like urine. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including the way the pig was raised, the cut of meat, and how it was cooked. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure that your pork doesn’t smell like urine.

Pork Smells Like Urine

The smell of pork is similar to the smell of urine, but the two smells are not exactly the same. Pork can smell like urine because it contains compounds called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which are produced during the breakdown of amino acids in muscle tissue. These compounds can give pork a pungent, ammonia-like smell that is similar to the smell of urine.

There are a few ways to prevent pork from smelling like urine. One way is to cook the pork thoroughly, as this can help to reduce the concentration of VSCs. Another way is to soak the pork in water or milk before cooking, as this can help to remove the VSCs from the meat. You can also try using herbs or spices to mask the smell.

Overall, the smell of pork is similar to the smell of urine, but it is not exactly the same. If you cook the pork properly and use herbs or spices to mask the smell, you should be able to enjoy pork without a strong urine-like smell.

Why Does Pork Sometimes Smell Like Urine?

  • Pork can sometimes smell like urine due to a chemical reaction between the meat’s amino acids and sulfur compounds. This reaction can produce a variety of volatile compounds, including ammonia and skatole, which can give pork a urine-like odor. The level of this odor can vary depending on factors such as the age of the pork, the breed of the pig, and the method of cooking. However, this odor is generally not harmful and can be reduced by properly storing and cooking the meat.

What Are The Potential Causes Of This Smell?

Smell is one of the five basic senses, and refers to our ability to detect and identify odors. It is an important sense that helps us to distinguish between safe and harmful stimuli in the environment.

The sense of smell is generated by the olfactory system, which is a group of specialized cells located in the nasal cavity. These cells contain receptors that are activated by odor molecules, and send a message to the brain, allowing us to perceive the smell.

There are many different potential causes of a smell. Some common ones include:

1. Foods: Certain foods, such as garlic, onions, and spices, can produce a strong odor.

2. Perfumes and colognes: These products contain odor molecules that can trigger the olfactory system.

3. Environmental factors: Pollution, smoke, and other airborne substances can release odor molecules that can be detected by the olfactory system.

4. Illness: Some medical conditions, such as sinusitis and allergies, can cause a smell.

5. Medications: Some medications, such as antibiotics and antihistamines, can cause a smell.

6. Chemicals: Some chemicals, such as solvents and cleaners, can produce a strong odor.

If you are experiencing a strong smell that is not caused by any of these factors, it is important to seek medical attention. A smell that is caused by a medical condition may require treatment.

Can This Smell Be Dangerous?

Many people believe that smells are harmless, but they can actually have a big impact on our health. Certain smells, such as smoke, can cause respiratory problems. Other smells, such as chemicals, can cause headaches and nausea. In some cases, smells can even be dangerous. For example, the smell of gas can indicate a leak, which can be deadly. It is important to be aware of the smells around you and to take steps to protect yourself.

Are There Any Ways To Prevent This Smell?

One way to prevent the smell of your shoes is to use odor-eating insoles. Odor-eating insoles help to absorb sweat and odors from your shoes, keeping them smelling fresh. You can also sprinkle some baking soda or cornstarch in your shoes overnight to absorb odors. Additionally, you can try spraying your shoes with a deodorizing spray or wiping them down with a damp cloth.

Are There Any Benefits To Eating Pork That Smells Like Urine?

Although the smell of urine from pork can be unpleasant, it does not indicate that the meat is unsafe to eat. Pork can have a pungent odor due to the presence of certain compounds called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). These compounds are produced during the breakdown of amino acids in the meat. VSCs are responsible for the smell of many different types of foods, including garlic, onions, and eggs.

Despite the unpleasant smell, pork that smells like urine can still be consumed safely. The presence of VSCs in pork is natural and does not pose a health risk. However, if the meat has a strong, unpleasant odor, it may be an indication of spoilage. In this case, it is best to discard the meat and avoid eating it.

Pork that smells like urine can still be cooked and enjoyed, but the smell may be off-putting to some. To help reduce the smell, you can try soaking the meat in vinegar or lemon juice before cooking. This can help to break down the VSCs and mask the odor. Additionally, cooking the meat thoroughly can also help to reduce the smell.

Overall, while the smell of urine from pork can be unpleasant, it does not indicate that the meat is unsafe to eat. Pork can have a pungent odor due to the presence of certain compounds called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs).


In conclusion, pork can sometimes smell like urine, but this is a harmless and temporary condition. The smell is caused by a chemical called skatole, which is found in high concentrations in pork. Skatole is harmless and will disappear during cooking.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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