
Unbelievable! Microwave Oven Vs Conventional Oven: Which One Is Better?

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • If you are looking for a fast and convenient way to cook food, then a microwave oven is a good option.
  • However, if you are looking for an oven that can brown or crisp food, then a conventional oven is a better choice.
  • If you have a small kitchen, then you may want to choose a microwave oven or a small conventional oven.

When it comes to cooking, there are two main types of ovens that you can choose from: microwave ovens and conventional ovens. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the differences before making a decision. In this blog post, we’ll compare microwave ovens and conventional ovens, and help you decide which one is right for you.

What is a Microwave Oven?

A microwave oven is a kitchen appliance that uses electromagnetic radiation to heat food. Microwaves are a type of non-ionizing radiation, which means that they do not have enough energy to damage DNA. Microwave ovens work by causing water molecules in food to vibrate, which creates heat. This is why microwave ovens are so good at cooking foods that contain a lot of water, such as vegetables, pasta, and rice.

What is a Conventional Oven?

A conventional oven is a kitchen appliance that uses heated air to cook food. Conventional ovens work by transferring heat from the air to the food. This is why conventional ovens are good at cooking foods that need to be browned or crispy, such as roasted chicken, pizza, and cookies.

Microwave Oven vs Conventional Oven: Advantages and Disadvantages

Microwave Ovens


  • Fast: Microwave ovens can cook food very quickly. This is because microwaves heat food directly, rather than having to heat the air first.
  • Convenient: Microwave ovens are very convenient to use. They are small and lightweight, so they can be easily stored away when not in use.
  • Energy-efficient: Microwave ovens are more energy-efficient than conventional ovens. This is because they use less energy to heat food.


  • Not good for browning or crisping food: Microwave ovens are not good at browning or crisping food. This is because microwaves do not produce the same kind of heat as conventional ovens.
  • Can be unevenly cooked: Microwave ovens can sometimes cook food unevenly. This is because microwaves do not penetrate food evenly.
  • Not suitable for all foods: Microwave ovens are not suitable for all foods. For example, you cannot cook raw meat or poultry in a microwave oven.

Conventional Ovens


  • Good for browning or crisping food: Conventional ovens are good at browning or crisping food. This is because they produce a dry heat that can cause food to brown and crisp.
  • Evenly cooked: Conventional ovens cook food evenly. This is because the heat is distributed evenly throughout the oven.
  • Suitable for all foods: Conventional ovens are suitable for all foods. You can cook anything from raw meat and poultry to baked goods in a conventional oven.


  • Slow: Conventional ovens can take a long time to cook food. This is because they have to heat the air first before they can start cooking the food.
  • Inconvenient: Conventional ovens can be inconvenient to use. They are large and bulky, so they can take up a lot of space in your kitchen.
  • Energy-inefficient: Conventional ovens are less energy-efficient than microwave ovens. This is because they use more energy to heat food.

Which One is Right for You?

The best type of oven for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a fast and convenient way to cook food, then a microwave oven is a good option. However, if you are looking for an oven that can brown or crisp food, then a conventional oven is a better choice.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Oven

  • Size: Consider the size of the oven you need. If you have a small kitchen, then you may want to choose a microwave oven or a small conventional oven. If you have a large family, then you may want to choose a larger oven.
  • Features: Consider the features that are important to you. Some ovens have features such as convection cooking, self-cleaning, and warming drawers.
  • Price: Consider your budget. Microwave ovens are typically less expensive than conventional ovens. However, there are a wide range of prices available for both types of ovens.

Wrap-Up: Microwave Oven vs Conventional Oven

Ultimately, the best way to decide which type of oven is right for you is to try them both out. You can do this by visiting a kitchen appliance store or by borrowing an oven from a friend or family member. Once you have tried both types of ovens, you will be able to decide which one you prefer.


  • What is the difference between a microwave oven and a conventional oven?

A microwave oven uses electromagnetic radiation to heat food, while a conventional oven uses heated air to cook food. Microwave ovens are faster and more energy-efficient than conventional ovens, but they cannot brown or crisp food as well.

  • Which is better, a microwave oven or a conventional oven?

The best type of oven for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a fast and convenient way to cook food, then a microwave oven is a good option. However, if you are looking for an oven that can brown or crisp food, then a conventional oven is a better choice.

  • What are the advantages of a microwave oven?

Microwave ovens are fast, convenient, and energy-efficient. They are also good at cooking foods that contain a lot of water.

  • What are the disadvantages of a microwave oven?

Microwave ovens are not good at browning or crisping food. They can also cook food unevenly and are not suitable for all foods.

  • What are the advantages of a conventional oven?

Conventional ovens are good at browning or crisping food. They also cook food evenly and are suitable for all foods.

  • What are the disadvantages of a conventional oven?

Conventional ovens can be slow, inconvenient, and energy-inefficient.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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