
Unveil The Secrets: How To Clean A Neglected Blackstone Griddle Like A Pro

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • Use a clean, dry cloth to dry the grates completely before reattaching them to the griddle.
  • Once the griddle and cooking grates are clean and dry, it’s time to season the griddle to protect its surface and prevent rust.
  • Using a paper towel or a brush, apply a thin layer of seasoning oil to the entire griddle surface, including the cooking grates.

Have you been neglecting your trusty Blackstone griddle? Has it been sitting idle, collecting dust and grime, while you’ve been busy with life? Fear not, griddle enthusiasts! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll embark on a journey to restore your Blackstone griddle to its former glory. We’ll tackle the challenges of cleaning a griddle that’s been sitting, providing step-by-step instructions and expert tips to bring it back to life.

1. Gather Your Cleaning Arsenal: The Essential Tools for Griddle Restoration

Before you begin your cleaning mission, gather the necessary tools to ensure a successful operation. Here’s your cleaning arsenal checklist:

  • Dish soap: A gentle dish soap will help remove grease and grime without damaging the griddle’s surface.
  • Hot water: Hot water aids in dissolving grease and grime, making them easier to remove.
  • Non-abrasive sponge: A soft, non-abrasive sponge will prevent scratches and damage to the griddle’s surface.
  • Spatula: A spatula is handy for scraping off stubborn grease and food residue.
  • Paper towels: Paper towels are great for wiping up spills and excess grease.
  • Grill cleaner: If your griddle is particularly dirty, a commercial grill cleaner can help break down tough grease and grime.
  • Seasoning oil: Once your griddle is clean, it’s essential to season it to protect the surface and prevent rust.

2. Preparing the Griddle: Setting the Stage for Cleaning Success

Before you start cleaning, prepare your griddle for the task at hand. Here’s how:

  • Disconnect the griddle from the power source: Ensure the griddle is completely turned off and disconnected from any power source before cleaning.
  • Allow the griddle to cool down: If you’ve recently used the griddle, let it cool down completely before cleaning to avoid burns and accidents.
  • Remove the cooking grates: If your griddle has removable cooking grates, take them off to make cleaning easier.

3. Cleaning the Griddle Surface: A Step-by-Step Guide to Griddle Rejuvenation

Now, let’s dive into the cleaning process:

  • Start with hot water and dish soap: Dip your non-abrasive sponge in hot water and add a few drops of dish soap. Gently scrub the griddle surface to remove loose grease and grime.
  • Tackle stubborn grease with a grill cleaner: If you encounter stubborn grease that won’t budge with dish soap, apply a commercial grill cleaner according to the product instructions. Let the cleaner sit for the recommended time before scrubbing with a non-abrasive sponge.
  • Use a spatula to scrape off residue: For particularly stubborn food residue or grease buildup, use a spatula to scrape it off. Be careful not to apply too much pressure to avoid scratching the griddle’s surface.
  • Rinse thoroughly: Rinse the griddle thoroughly with hot water to remove any remaining soap, cleaner, or residue. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any excess water.

4. Cleaning the Cooking Grates: Restoring the Sparkle to Your Grates

While the griddle surface is drying, focus on cleaning the cooking grates:

  • Soak the grates in hot soapy water: Fill a sink or large container with hot water and add dish soap. Submerge the grates in the solution and let them soak for about 30 minutes.
  • Scrub the grates with a non-abrasive sponge: After soaking, use a non-abrasive sponge to scrub the grates, removing any remaining grease or food residue.
  • Rinse and dry the grates thoroughly: Rinse the grates thoroughly with hot water to remove any soap residue. Use a clean, dry cloth to dry the grates completely before reattaching them to the griddle.

5. Seasoning the Griddle: Protecting Your Griddle’s Surface

Once the griddle and cooking grates are clean and dry, it’s time to season the griddle to protect its surface and prevent rust:

  • Apply a thin layer of seasoning oil: Using a paper towel or a brush, apply a thin layer of seasoning oil to the entire griddle surface, including the cooking grates.
  • Heat the griddle to medium-high heat: Turn on the griddle to medium-high heat and let it heat up for about 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the griddle and let it cool down: Once the griddle is hot, turn it off and let it cool down completely. The seasoning oil will polymerize and create a protective layer on the griddle’s surface.

6. Regular Maintenance: Keeping Your Griddle in Pristine Condition

To keep your Blackstone griddle in top condition, regular maintenance is key:

  • Clean the griddle after each use: After each use, clean the griddle while it’s still warm. This will prevent grease and food residue from building up.
  • Season the griddle regularly: Season the griddle every few uses to protect its surface and prevent rust.
  • Store the griddle properly: When not in use, store the griddle in a dry, covered location to protect it from the elements.

Wrapping Up: A Clean Blackstone Griddle Awaits

With a little care and attention, you can easily clean your Blackstone griddle that’s been sitting and bring it back to its former glory. Remember, regular maintenance is the key to keeping your griddle in pristine condition for years to come. So, fire up your griddle, enjoy delicious meals, and relish the satisfaction of a well-maintained cooking companion.

Frequently Discussed Topics

1. What if my griddle has stubborn grease buildup?

For stubborn grease buildup, apply a commercial grill cleaner according to the product instructions. Let the cleaner sit for the recommended time before scrubbing with a non-abrasive sponge. You can also try using a baking soda paste. Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it to the greasy areas. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before scrubbing with a non-abrasive sponge.

2. How often should I season my griddle?

Season your griddle every few uses or whenever you notice that the surface is starting to look dull or dry. Regular seasoning will help protect the griddle’s surface and prevent rust.

3. How do I store my griddle properly?

When not in use, store your griddle in a dry, covered location to protect it from the elements. You can use a griddle cover or a large tarp to protect the griddle from dust and moisture.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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