
Can You Really Bake A Cake In An Air Fryer? Here’s The Answer!

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • In fact, baking a cake in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to make a delicious dessert.
  • Overall, baking a cake in an air fryer is a great way to make a delicious dessert quickly and easily.
  • They can be used to bake a cake, but the type of air fryer you use will depend on the size and type of cake you want to make.

Cake baking is an enjoyable activity for many people, and using an air fryer can make it even more fun. Air fryers use hot air to cook food, and they work great for baking cakes. They are easy to use and clean, and they cook food quickly. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of baking a cake in an air fryer. We will also provide some tips and tricks for getting the best results. So, if you are ready to bake a cake in an air fryer, keep reading!

Can Bake Cake In Air Fryer?

Absolutely, you can bake a cake in an air fryer! In fact, baking a cake in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to make a delicious dessert. Air fryers use hot air to cook food, so they require less oil than traditional ovens. This means that your cake will be healthier and lighter than if you baked it in the oven.

To get started, you will need a few ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, eggs, milk, and butter. You will also need a cake pan that will fit in your air fryer.

Preheat your air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, mix your dry ingredients together in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix together your wet ingredients. Then, combine your wet and dry ingredients and stir until everything is well mixed.

Pour your batter into your cake pan and place it in the air fryer. Cook the cake for about 20-25 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Once your cake is done, let it cool for a few minutes before removing it from the pan. Then, top it with frosting or whipped cream and enjoy!

Keep in mind that baking times may vary depending on the size of your air fryer and the thickness of your cake. So, you may need to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Overall, baking a cake in an air fryer is a great way to make a delicious dessert quickly and easily. Give it a try and see for yourself!

What Are The Benefits Of Baking A Cake In An Air Fryer?

  • 1. Healthier Option: Air fryers use less oil and fats compared to traditional ovens, resulting in healthier cakes that are lower in calories and fat.
  • 2. Quick and Easy: Air fryers cook food faster than traditional ovens, allowing you to bake a cake quickly and easily.
  • 3. Versatile: Air fryers can be used for more than just baking cakes. You can also use them to fry, roast, or bake a variety of other foods.
  • 4. Space-Saving: Air fryers are compact and take up less space on your countertop than traditional ovens.
  • 5. Cost-Effective: Air fryers are relatively inexpensive compared to traditional ovens, making them a cost-effective option for baking a cake.

What Are The Different Types Of Air Fryers That Can Be Used For Baking A Cake?

Air fryers are kitchen appliances that cook food by circulating hot air around it. They can be used to bake a cake, but the type of air fryer you use will depend on the size and type of cake you want to make.

Some air fryers come with baking pans or trays that fit into the appliance, while others have baskets that hold the food. Both types of air fryers can be used for baking a cake, but you will need to adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly.

There are also air fryers specifically designed for baking, which come with accessories such as cake pans and muffin pans. These air fryers are often larger than traditional air fryers and may have additional features such as temperature control and preset cooking programs.

How Do You Bake A Cake In An Air Fryer?

To bake a cake in an air fryer, follow these steps:

1. Preheat the air fryer to 180 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes.

2. Prepare the cake batter according to the recipe you are using.

3. Grease the cake pan with butter or oil.

4. Pour the cake batter into the cake pan and place it in the air fryer basket.

5. Bake the cake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

6. Let the cake cool in the air fryer for a few minutes, then remove it from the basket and let it cool completely on a wire rack.

By following these steps, you can bake a delicious cake in an air fryer.

What Are The Tips And Tricks For Baking A Cake In An Air Fryer?


Baking a cake in an air fryer is a great way to make a delicious, moist cake without using an oven. Here are some tips and tricks to help you bake the perfect cake in your air fryer:

1. Preheat your air fryer: Just like you would with an oven, it’s important to preheat your air fryer before baking your cake. This will help ensure that your cake bakes evenly.

2. Use a small cake pan: Air fryers typically have limited space, so using a small cake pan is recommended. A 6-inch cake pan is perfect for an air fryer.

3. Mix your batter well: Make sure to mix your batter thoroughly before pouring it into the cake pan. This will help prevent any lumps or unevenness in the cake.

4. Use a toothpick to test for doneness: Unlike an oven, it can be difficult to tell when a cake is done baking in an air fryer. To test for doneness, insert a toothpick into the center of the cake. If the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is done.

5. Cool the cake properly: Once the cake is done baking, allow it to cool in the pan for a few minutes before removing it. This will help prevent the cake from falling apart.

By following these tips, you can bake a delicious cake in your air fryer. Happy baking!

What Are The Common Mistakes People Make When Baking A Cake In An Air Fryer?

Air fryers can provide a delicious, crispy crust for a cake, but there are a few common mistakes to avoid when baking a cake in one.

First, it’s essential to use the correct pan size. Air fryers have limited space, so using a pan that’s too large will result in uneven cooking. Opt for a smaller cake pan or cupcake tin instead.

Second, don’t overfill the pan. Air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food, so it’s important to ensure there’s enough space for the air to circulate freely. Overfilling the pan will result in a dense, soggy cake.

Third, don’t open the lid during cooking. Opening the lid during baking can cause the temperature to drop, resulting in a dense, undercooked cake. If you need to check on the doneness of the cake, use a quick peek method by quickly opening the lid and closing it right back.

Fourth, don’t bake the cake for too long. Since air fryers cook faster than conventional ovens, it’s essential to keep an eye on the cake during baking. Overbaking can cause the cake to become dry or crumbly.

Finally, don’t skip the cooling process. Allowing the cake to cool in the pan on a wire rack before removing it will prevent it from falling apart.


Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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