
Breville Espresso Machine Pro Vs Touch: Which One Offers The Best Value For Your Money?

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • In addition to adjustable brew pressure, the Breville Espresso Machine Touch also allows you to adjust the brew temperature to suit your preferences.
  • Beyond the key features and capabilities, there are a few additional factors to consider when choosing between the Breville Espresso Machine Pro and the Breville Espresso Machine Touch.
  • The Breville Espresso Machine Pro is larger and heavier than the Breville Espresso Machine Touch, so you’ll need to make sure you have enough counter space and can lift it comfortably.

The world of espresso machines can be daunting, especially when it comes to choosing between two of the most popular models: the Breville Espresso Machine Pro and the Breville Espresso Machine Touch. Both machines offer impressive features and capabilities, but there are some key differences that set them apart. In this comprehensive comparison guide, we’ll delve into the details of each machine, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses to help you make an informed decision.

Breville Espresso Machine Pro: A Classic with Proven Performance

The Breville Espresso Machine Pro has earned a reputation for its reliability, durability, and consistent performance. It’s a favorite among home baristas who appreciate its user-friendly design and extensive functionality.

Key Features:

  • Dual Boiler System: The Breville Espresso Machine Pro features a dual boiler system that allows you to brew espresso and steam milk simultaneously without compromising temperature stability.
  • PID Temperature Control: The machine’s precise PID temperature control ensures consistent water temperature, resulting in optimal espresso extraction.
  • Adjustable Brew Pressure: You can adjust the brew pressure to suit your personal preferences or the type of coffee beans you’re using.
  • Over-Pressure Valve: The over-pressure valve prevents bitter flavors from developing in your espresso by limiting the maximum pressure during extraction.
  • Portafilter with Dual Spouts: The portafilter comes with both single and double spouts, allowing you to prepare one or two shots of espresso at a time.

Breville Espresso Machine Touch: A Sleek and Intuitive Experience

The Breville Espresso Machine Touch takes the user experience to a new level with its intuitive touchscreen interface. It’s an excellent choice for those who want a modern, sophisticated espresso machine that’s easy to operate.

Key Features:

  • Touchscreen Interface: The large touchscreen display makes it easy to select your desired settings and monitor the brewing process.
  • Automatic Milk Texturing: The machine’s automatic milk texturing system allows you to create velvety microfoam or steamed milk for lattes and cappuccinos at the touch of a button.
  • Programmable Dosing: You can program the machine to deliver a precise amount of coffee grounds for each shot, ensuring consistency and reducing waste.
  • Adjustable Brew Temperature: In addition to adjustable brew pressure, the Breville Espresso Machine Touch also allows you to adjust the brew temperature to suit your preferences.
  • Hands-Free Operation: The machine’s hands-free operation feature allows you to brew espresso and steam milk simultaneously without having to hold the portafilter in place.

Comparing the Breville Espresso Machine Pro and Touch: Head-to-Head

To help you decide which machine is right for you, let’s compare their key features side by side:

Feature Breville Espresso Machine Pro Breville Espresso Machine Touch
Boiler System Dual Boiler Single Boiler
Temperature Control PID PID
Brew Pressure Adjustable Adjustable
Over-Pressure Valve Yes No
Portafilter Spouts Single and Double Single and Double
User Interface Manual Dial and Buttons Touchscreen
Automatic Milk Texturing No Yes
Programmable Dosing No Yes
Adjustable Brew Temperature Yes Yes
Hands-Free Operation No Yes

Which Machine is Right for You?

The choice between the Breville Espresso Machine Pro and the Breville Espresso Machine Touch ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences.

  • If you’re a serious home barista who values precise control over every aspect of the brewing process, the Breville Espresso Machine Pro is an excellent choice. Its dual boiler system, adjustable brew pressure, and over-pressure valve give you the tools you need to create café-quality espresso at home.
  • If you’re looking for a more user-friendly experience with automatic milk texturing and hands-free operation, the Breville Espresso Machine Touch is a great option. Its intuitive touchscreen interface makes it easy to select your desired settings and monitor the brewing process.

Additional Factors to Consider

Beyond the key features and capabilities, there are a few additional factors to consider when choosing between the Breville Espresso Machine Pro and the Breville Espresso Machine Touch:

  • Price: The Breville Espresso Machine Pro is typically more affordable than the Breville Espresso Machine Touch.
  • Size and Weight: The Breville Espresso Machine Pro is larger and heavier than the Breville Espresso Machine Touch, so you’ll need to make sure you have enough counter space and can lift it comfortably.
  • Aesthetics: The Breville Espresso Machine Pro has a more traditional design, while the Breville Espresso Machine Touch has a more modern, sleek look. Choose the one that best matches your kitchen décor.
  • Warranty: Both machines come with a one-year warranty from Breville.

Wrapping Up: The Best Breville Espresso Machine for Your Needs

Whether you choose the Breville Espresso Machine Pro or the Breville Espresso Machine Touch, you’re sure to enjoy delicious, café-quality espresso at home. The best machine for you depends on your individual needs, preferences, and budget. Consider the factors discussed in this guide to make an informed decision and elevate your home barista skills.

Beyond the Comparison: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Which machine is better for beginners, the Breville Espresso Machine Pro or the Breville Espresso Machine Touch?

A: The Breville Espresso Machine Touch is generally considered more user-friendly for beginners due to its intuitive touchscreen interface and automatic milk texturing system.

Q: Can I use pre-ground coffee with either machine?

A: Yes, both the Breville Espresso Machine Pro and the Breville Espresso Machine Touch can use pre-ground coffee. However, for the best results, it’s recommended to use freshly ground coffee beans.

Q: How often should I clean my Breville espresso machine?

A: It’s recommended to clean your Breville espresso machine regularly to maintain its performance and longevity. The frequency of cleaning depends on how often you use the machine, but it’s generally recommended to clean it at least once a week.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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