
The Best Cheese For Butternut Squash Soup: A Foodie’s Guide

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to...

What To Know

  • If you are looking for a cheese to use in your butternut squash soup, consider a softer cheese such as goat cheese or brie.
  • Parmesan and cheddar are two hard cheeses that can become grainy or stringy when added to hot soup, and they have a strong flavor that can overpower the delicate flavors of butternut squash.
  • However, you may want to start with a little less cheese and add more to taste, as the cheese can overpower the other flavors in the soup.

The best cheese to add to butternut squash soup is a sharp cheddar or gruyere. The sharpness of the cheese pairs well with the sweetness of the squash, and the nutty flavor of the gruyere compliments the other ingredients perfectly.

Best Cheese For Butternut Squash Soup

The best cheese for butternut squash soup is Gouda.

Gouda is a rich, flavorful cheese that adds depth and complexity to butternut squash soup. It has a nutty, slightly sweet flavor that pairs perfectly with the sweet, earthy flavors of butternut squash.

Gouda is also a good melting cheese, which means that it will melt smoothly and evenly in the soup, adding a creamy, velvety texture.

When adding cheese to butternut squash soup, it’s best to wait until the soup is almost done cooking. This will help prevent the cheese from curdling or becoming stringy.

To incorporate cheese into the soup, simply grate or shred it and stir it into the soup just before serving. You can also top the soup with shredded cheese, which will melt into the soup as it’s heated.

Other good cheeses for butternut squash soup include cheddar, Parmesan, and Gruyere. These cheeses have different flavor profiles, but all of them will add richness and depth to the soup.

It’s important to use high-quality, flavorful cheeses in your butternut squash soup. A sharp, aged cheddar or Parmesan will pack more of a punch than a mild, processed cheese.

In addition to cheese, butternut squash soup is often garnished with other toppings, such as crispy bacon, croutons, or fresh herbs. These toppings can add even more flavor and texture to the soup.

Butternut squash soup is a hearty, comforting dish that’s perfect for fall or winter. By using Gouda or other flavorful cheeses, you can create a delicious, creamy soup that’s sure to please.

What Are The Best Cheeses To Use In A Butternut Squash Soup?

  • * Gruyere
  • * Fontina
  • * Cheddar
  • * Parmesan

Are There Any Cheeses That Should Be Avoided In A Butternut Squash Soup?

Are There Any Cheeses That Should Be Avoided In A Butternut Squash Soup?

Butternut squash soup is a delicious and comforting dish that can be made in a variety of ways. While cheese is a common ingredient in butternut squash soup, there are some cheeses that should be avoided.

One cheese to avoid is Parmesan. Parmesan is a hard cheese that can become grainy when added to hot soup. Additionally, Parmesan has a strong flavor that can overpower the delicate flavors of butternut squash.

Another cheese to avoid is cheddar. Cheddar is a hard cheese that can become stringy when added to hot soup. Additionally, cheddar has a strong flavor that can overpower the delicate flavors of butternut squash.

If you are looking for a cheese to use in your butternut squash soup, consider a softer cheese such as goat cheese or brie. These cheeses are less likely to become grainy or stringy when added to hot soup, and they have a milder flavor that will not overpower the delicate flavors of butternut squash.

In summary, while cheese is a common ingredient in butternut squash soup, there are some cheeses that should be avoided. Parmesan and cheddar are two hard cheeses that can become grainy or stringy when added to hot soup, and they have a strong flavor that can overpower the delicate flavors of butternut squash. Instead, consider using a softer cheese such as goat cheese or brie in your butternut squash soup.

How Much Cheese Should Be Used In A Butternut Squash Soup?

The amount of cheese you should use in a butternut squash soup depends on personal preference. Some people like their soup to be mild, while others prefer it to be rich and cheesy. As a general rule of thumb, you can use about 1/2 cup of grated cheese for every 2 cups of soup. However, you may want to start with a little less cheese and add more to taste, as the cheese can overpower the other flavors in the soup.

What Is The Best Way To Incorporate Cheese Into A Butternut Squash Soup?

The best way to incorporate cheese into a butternut squash soup is to first roast the butternut squash in the oven until it is tender. Then, peel and chop the squash into cubes. In a pot, heat some olive oil and sauté the onions until they are translucent. Add the squash, chicken broth, and seasonings to the pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the squash is tender. Remove the pot from the heat and use an immersion blender to blend the soup until it is smooth. Finally, add the cheese and stir until it is melted. This will create a delicious and cheesy butternut squash soup that is perfect for any occasion.

Are There Any Special Cooking Techniques Or Tips That Should Be Followed When Making A Butternut Squash Soup With Cheese?

Butternut squash soup with cheese is a delicious and comforting soup that is easy to make. However, there are a few special cooking techniques and tips that you should follow when making the soup to ensure that it turns out perfectly.

First, you should roast the butternut squash in the oven before adding it to the soup. This will help to bring out the natural sweetness of the squash and will give the soup a deeper, more complex flavor.

Second, you should cook the onions and garlic in the soup until they are soft and translucent. This will help to infuse the soup with flavor and make it more flavorful.

Third, you should add the cheese to the soup at the very end of the cooking process. This will help to ensure that the cheese melts smoothly and evenly and that it does not become stringy or clumpy.

Finally, you should let the soup cool slightly before serving it. This will help to ensure that the flavors have time to develop and that all of the ingredients have time to come together.

By following these special cooking techniques and tips, you can make a delicious butternut squash soup with cheese that is sure to impress your friends and family.


In conclusion, the best cheese for butternut squash soup is whichever one you enjoy the most. Try a variety of cheeses to find your favorite flavor combination, and enjoy the comfort and warmth of this delicious soup on a chilly day.

Chef Emily Clark

Chef Emily Clark is the editor-in-chief and leading culinary expert at She has over 20 years of professional cooking experience, including working as a private chef for celebrities and heads of state. Emily holds a master's degree in Culinary Arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to directing the content at Cookupexperts, she writes recipes and product reviews for major food publications. Emily is dedicated to teaching home cooks how to achieve restaurant-quality results through meticulous testing and step-by-step instructions. Her engaging writing style and passion for food shine through in all of her work. When not in the test kitchen, Emily enjoys traveling the world in search of new culinary inspirations.
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